1. Moon 月亮
2. Thunderbolt 雷電
3. Crystalline 結晶
4. Cosmogony 宇宙進化論
5. Dark Matter 暗物質
6. Hollow 洞
7. Virus 病毒
8. Sacrifice 犧牲
9. Mutual Core 共通核心
10. Solstice 至點
2012年4月18日 星期三
碧玉 - Biophilia(自然定律)
Björk的2011年全新專輯【Biophilia】中的每一首音樂作品都與iPad的應用程式互動,這是她出道以來在概念上最為繁複的創作,此張專輯是Björk在對自然科學與音樂學進行閱讀與理解之後,抒發個人與這兩門學科之間的連結關係的創作。專輯名稱靈感源自於Björk在2009年拜讀熱愛科學與音樂的英國神經內科醫生Oliver Sachs探究音樂與人類腦部互動關係的著作「Musicophilia」,專輯名稱融合了科學與情感,具有生命之愛(love of life)的意涵。Björk的創作夥伴包括自2007年的『Volta』專輯起擔任電腦編曲/音樂軟體編排的冰島跨媒體音樂家Damian Taylor、西班牙節奏拼貼高手Pablo Díaz-Reixa、倫敦電音製作組合16bit、紐約爵士/搖滾實驗派樂手Zeena Parkins。
*Björk為此張專輯設計一個應用程式的網路平台--The Biophilia App,邀請應用程式設計工作室Scott Snibbe Studio與設計師、動畫家以及編碼與加密專家,分別為專輯的10首歌曲設計結合音樂動畫、影像視覺與互動遊戲的應用程式,讓樂迷深入了解這個平台的計劃。
碧玉歌詞 - Crystalline
Underneath our feet
Crystals grow like plants (listen how they grow)
I'm blinded by the lights (listen how they grow)
In the core of the earth (listen how they grow)
Crystalline, internal nebula
Crystalline, rocks growing slowmo
Crystalline, I conquer claustrophobia
Crystalline, and demand the light
We mimic the openness of the ones we love
Dovetail our generosity, equalize the flow
With our hearts we chisel quartz to reach love
Crystalline, internal nebula
Crystalline, rocks growing slowmo
Crystalline, I conquer claustrophobia
Crystalline, and demand the light
Octagon, polygon, pipes of and organ
Sonic branches, murmuring drone
Crystallizing galaxies, spread out like my fingers
Crystalline, internal nebula
Crystalline, rocks growing slowmo
Crystalline, I conquer claustrophobia
Crystalline, and demand the light
Crystalline, internal nebula
Crystalline, rocks growing slowmo
Crystalline, I conquer claustrophobia
Crystalline, and demand the light
It's the sparkle you become when you conquer anxiety
It's the sparkle you become when you conquer anxiety
Underneath our feet
Crystals grow like plants (listen how they grow)
I'm blinded by the lights (listen how they grow)
In the core of the earth (listen how they grow)
Crystalline, internal nebula
Crystalline, rocks growing slowmo
Crystalline, I conquer claustrophobia
Crystalline, and demand the light
We mimic the openness of the ones we love
Dovetail our generosity, equalize the flow
With our hearts we chisel quartz to reach love
Crystalline, internal nebula
Crystalline, rocks growing slowmo
Crystalline, I conquer claustrophobia
Crystalline, and demand the light
Octagon, polygon, pipes of and organ
Sonic branches, murmuring drone
Crystallizing galaxies, spread out like my fingers
Crystalline, internal nebula
Crystalline, rocks growing slowmo
Crystalline, I conquer claustrophobia
Crystalline, and demand the light
Crystalline, internal nebula
Crystalline, rocks growing slowmo
Crystalline, I conquer claustrophobia
Crystalline, and demand the light
It's the sparkle you become when you conquer anxiety
It's the sparkle you become when you conquer anxiety
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